Friday, January 15, 2016

Final days...

We are sad to say the Crompton is finally closing - at least for the time being. With Perry's illness and the current situation we have decided it is time to give him a bit of a break. We will be re-opening from 4 pm today for a few days (until we run out of beer!) and hope to see some familiar faces for the final good-byes. We would like to say we have enjoyed (nearly) every minute and would like to say a big thank you to all our customers over the years who have been a part of our life.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Currently Closed

We are currently closed due to illness. We will post further info on this blog and the website ( when we know more.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Kevin Coyne Paintings until 2nd February

From today we have a selection of Kevin Coyne paintings in the pit until 2nd February 2015. There is also an exhibition of his work at Deda - 'Happy little Fat Man':

An exhibition of over 50 paintings and drawings by Kevin Coyne will be exhibited at Déda, in Kevin's home city of Derby.
Kevin Coyne (1944 – 2004) was an important player in the contemporary music scene in the late 1960s and '70s and became a cult figure thereafter.
Alongside his prodigious musical output (over 40 albums in his lifetime) he continued to paint, draw and write throughout his life and the exhibition will cover all facets of an amazingly fertile creative force. His colourful paintings and drawings cover a huge range of subjects from birds to bears, and ghosts to gardeners.
Alongside the exhibition of paintings and drawings the organisers of the exhibition are working hard behind the scenes on a range of other activities to fully show off the quality, breadth and depth of Kevin Coyne's creative output in music, art and writing over more than forty years that will be announced after the summer.
This exhibition at Deda will be launched on Friday 21 November to coincide with a performance byJonathan Burrows and Matteo Fargion.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Friday, February 1, 2013

THE Steve Jenkins...

there is an exhibition of at The Crompton right now.

the exhibition is curated by Chris Tree.

featuring work by...

Chris Tree
Tan Draig
Stuart Alexander
Joanna Geldard
David Culleton
Lara Elizabeth Elliott
Dan Wheeler
Anna Mawby
Rob Padley
Chris Marsh
George Harris
Rosie Donovan
JC Anna

we thought it would be rather nice to get a load of nice folks together and have a chin wag and some beers/soft drinks .

please come and grace the evening with yer presence.....

Monday, May 28, 2012

June dates - beach party & new exhibition opening!

We'll be having a beach party on June 3rd, 2 p.m. onwards - Free BBQ, music and lots of sand!! Hopefully the sun will also put in an appearance? Also our next exhibition is up from the 1st June.  The artist - Hal Wright - will be around on the official opening night - Tuesday 5th June.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Love is in the air...

A few weeks before our next exhibition - mixed media paintings by Christine Gray. In the meantime the craft cases are full of studio-sweeping goodies - including valentine cards and gifts. So if you want a truly original card for the one you love, but you can't bear to leave your beer - you can drink and shop under one roof at The Crompton!