Sunday, January 23, 2011

Crompton Open Show 2011 - Mail Art

Back in September this envelope arrived from Italy containing beermats for our 2010 open show from Fabio Sassi. I couldn't bring myself to throw it away and have decided to use it as the inspiration for this year's open show. The idea is simple - post us an envelope, sealed and decorated in whatever way you wish and we will display it. We're going to use the pool room so we can have a year long exhibition (almost) and will start adding mail art as it arrives. At the end of the year I'm hoping to compile an issuu publication of all entries so make sure you add your name/ web address if you want the publicity. More photos/ info soon...


  1. Hi Kate! Thanks, I will join! Cheers!

  2. Thank you Fabio for the inspiration!

  3. Would it be okay to hand deliver it or would you prefer the postage stamps stamped by Royal Mail?

  4. I would prefer them to be posted but it isn't a problem if you want to hand deliver.
